Between orchards, spots of cork oaks and rocks, we are approached towards the dam that, little by little is become more patent. From a small natural viewpoint we observed the prey, constructed in years 30 of century XX.
We followed our way towards the hermitage, between rocks and the poor vegetation that takes hold them selves desperatelyto the ground. In the hermitage the efigie del Cristo de San Esteban, of centuries XII-XIII. The castro de la Edad del Hierro, romanizado and it was later left, finally to its luck. To little meters, from the viewpoint of the Casa de la Mora the new bridge is raised challenging, that communicates the two bordersof the Esla. We continued ascending until arriving at the Laguna Nueva. Suddenly the granite disappears, giving passage to the slate. More aheadwe found the Laguna de las Barreras, quarry of alfareros/as during centuries. Close already in the end, passed the church parochial, the Museo de la Alfarería de Muelas will be contructed next.
We followed our way towards the hermitage, between rocks and the poor vegetation that takes hold them selves desperatelyto the ground. In the hermitage the efigie del Cristo de San Esteban, of centuries XII-XIII. The castro de la Edad del Hierro, romanizado and it was later left, finally to its luck. To little meters, from the viewpoint of the Casa de la Mora the new bridge is raised challenging, that communicates the two bordersof the Esla. We continued ascending until arriving at the Laguna Nueva. Suddenly the granite disappears, giving passage to the slate. More aheadwe found the Laguna de las Barreras, quarry of alfareros/as during centuries. Close already in the end, passed the church parochial, the Museo de la Alfarería de Muelas will be contructed next.